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102nd ABMA Convention

The 102nd annual ABMA (American Brush Manufacturers Association) convention took place this year from 20th – 23rd March at the Atlantis Resort, Paradise Island, Bahamas. We were in attendance with Perlon employees present from both sides of the Atlantic.

Alongside the annual FEIBP Congress (European Brush Federation), the ABMA is an important date in the diary for our SBF and ABR customers, as well as for Perlon. Both brush industry congresses provide the opportunity to meet with industry peers (both competitors, brush machinery manufacturers and customers) in the same location, saving time and cost.

The brush industry on both continents is very friendly, with many brush manufacturers trading with one another, in product lines which they have a requirement for, but are not necessarily able or willing to manufacture themselves. The vast majority of companies who attend the two congresses are family-owned and the delegates from these companies vary from purchasing managers, sales managers to the owners themselves. Over the past few years, the ABMA has seen a growing number of European members, which gives us the added benefit of being able to meet with our European customers during what is essentially still a convention tailored mainly for the North American market.

The ABMA convention offers a blend of presentations held by guest speakers, working groups covering different aspects of the brush industry (household, paintbrushes, technical brushes, raw materials), as well as the Suppliers Display, held during a designated time slot on Friday morning. Due to the high cost involved of shipping samples and display equipment to the Bahamas, the session this year took the form of 15 minute long ‚speed-dating‘ style appointments, where we were able to discuss all aspects of our ongoing business as well as talk about new opportunities with most of our major US-based SBF and ABR customers.

Alongside the business meetings held over the two days, ABMA places a strong emphasis on time given over to networking and social events with a ‚texas scramble‘ golf team event and themed evenings. Time spent with customers during these social events helps make business dealings much easier and to cement strong relationships.

The 61st FEIBP Congress this year takes place in Lucerne, Switzerland from 25th -28th September.
