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103rd ABMA Convention

The 103rd annual ABMA (American Brush Manufacturers Association) convention took place this year from 4th – 6th March at the Vinoy Renissance Resort, St Petersburg, Florida. We were in attendance with Perlon® employees present from both sides of the Atlantic.

Alongside the annual FEIBP Congress (European Brush Federation), the ABMA is an important date in the diary for our SBF and ABR customers, as well as for Perlon®. Both brush industry congresses provide the opportunity to meet with industry peers (both competitors, brush machinery manufacturers and customers) in the same location, saving time and cost.

182 delegates were in attendance, a lower than normal attendance due to it being an Interbrush year (the only brush industry exhibition held every 4 years) with several customers from Europe not making the trip. The convention also suffered over 20 last minute cancellations due to concerns over coronavirus COVID-19.

Nevertheless, the vast majority of our largest US customers were present and we were able to speak to all of them, both during business sessions and during the evening events.

The ABMA convention offers a blend of presentations held by guest speakers, working groups covering different aspects of the brush industry (household, paintbrushes, technical brushes, raw materials), as well as the Suppliers Display, held during a designated time slot on Friday morning. Following the success of ‚speed-dating‘ style appointments during the 2019 convention (13 minute meetings per customer) instead of an exhibition style set-up, this was repeated again in 2020 giving us the opportunity to discuss all aspects of our ongoing business as well as talk about new opportunities with most of our major US-based SBF and ABR customers.

Alongside the business meetings held over the two days, ABMA places a strong emphasis on time given over to networking and social events with a ‚texas scramble‘ golf team event and themed evenings. Time spent with customers during these social events helps make business dealings much easier and cements stronger relationships.

The 62nd FEIBP Congress this year takes place in Prague, Czech Republic from 23rd -25th September.
