
Vineyards + Orchards

High UV and weather resistance as well as permanent elasticity and low weight make Bayco® the perfect clamping and stapling wire for orchards and vineyards. Once tensioned, Bayco® remains permanently taut. Bayco® wire will not rust and is resistant to fertilizers and pesticides. Moreover, Bayco® is ideally suited for the efficient and economical use of mechanical harvesting equipment. The durable smooth surface prevents friction damage to plants. Bayco® can be supplied in diameters ranging from 2.00mm to 6.00mm.

Hail protection

Thanks to its excellent weather and UV resistance, Bayco® has established itself in hail protection and shading systems where wire is used for retaining and tensioning the protective nets. With its low weight and high elasticity, Bayco® reliably takes the strain and stabilizes the entire protective canopy against the effects of hail and storm. Bayco® polyamide wire has 200 times less thermal conductivity than metal wire. The risk of damage to nets caused by heated wires or friction has been eliminated thanks to Bayco®.

Pasture fence wire

Bayco® fence wire made from Polyamide 6 is ideal for paddocks, keeping horses secure without putting them at risk of injury caused by material properties. This is because of its high elasticity and smooth surface. Bayco® X511 does not fray or split, even when it snaps. UV and weather resistance, low weight and high elasticity ensure that the wire retains its properties for many years. Once tensioned, Bayco® remains permanently taut.

Oyster farming

Exceptional environmental conditions require products that can withstand even the most extreme wear and tear. Prolonged sunlight and constant contact with sea water make oyster farming an endurance test for any material. But this is yet another area in which Bayco® polyamide wire excels. Because of its exceptional UV and weather resistance as well as resistance to salt water, Bayco® has long been used as a reliable tensioning cable in long-line oyster farming.

Construction wires

The stability of any structure stands or falls on the reliability and quality of its individual components. Bayco® is the ideal wire for diverse installations thanks to its long service life, its low weight and its stretch/recovery properties. Bayco® monofilaments are successfully used as guide and tensioning wire in suspended structures such as hail protection, shading or greenhouse systems. Here the installations are stabilized without damaging other components such as nets or plastic sheeting. Thanks to its unique product characteristics, Bayco® can be strung out across long spans. Consequently, Bayco® also plays a central role in the coverage of large water storage tanks.

Lena Haubrich

Chief Sales Officer / CSO