Innovation - Perlon Nextrusion Monofil

by Perlon®

Whichever innovation is next to see the light of day depends on the requirements of the customers, on the needs and developments of the markets or on you. Are you looking for a filament to suit your purpose exactly? We’ll make it! Perlon® is your contact when it’s about creating new solutions for unique products.

Our research and development department with its excellent chemists, materials scientists, engineers and technicians combines depth of knowledge of the chemical and physical characteristics of the raw materials with years of experience in the optimum modification and processing to a high quality filament tailor-made for the customer.

The four pillars of the innovation process

Our research and development department is equipped with the latest physical and chemical analytical technology. Our analysts strive to develop practical test methods with the aim of modelling and realistically assessing the performance of our monofilaments in the end application. This leads to significantly increased chances of product success. Co-extrusion is an example of a

versatile technology used by Perlon® to develop uniquely functionalised monofilamentswith special surface properties. (See Biko product information) Our commitment is to bring innovative products with excellent quality to the market quickly. In the last 10 years, we have commercialised many unique products that have been widely accepted in the market.

Innovations of the last 25 years

Innovations HQM Range: 
AntiStat, Bayco®EasyKleen®EnerSave®HighGrip, PA6 FH, PerlonXline, PearlTech®

Innovations TBF Range:
Abrafil®, Abrafil® NG, AbraMaXX®, Bilon®, MultiBil®, MultiBrasif®, PBT

Innovations PC Range: 
Spiral, StainDevil®, Wear Indicator